about the project and casting

The Stormlight Archive is a series of epic fantasy novels written by American author Brandon Sanderson. The series is set in the world of Roshar, a storm-ravaged planet filled with magical landscapes and a complex society divided by war and politics. The primary narrative follows multiple protagonists, including Kaladin Stormblessed, a former soldier and slave who rises to become a leader and a Knight Radiant; Shallan Davar, a young noblewoman and scholar with a mysterious past; and Dalinar Kholin, a highprince determined to unite his fractured kingdom. The series explores themes of leadership, morality, and the nature of power, with each book adding depth to the world-building and character development. The first book, “The Way of Kings,” was published in 2010, and subsequent books have expanded the story, making The Stormlight Archive a cornerstone of contemporary fantasy literature.