100 Bullets
cast roles
about the project and casting
“100 Bullets” is a gritty and complex graphic novel series created by writer Brian Azzarello and artist Eduardo Risso. Set in a world of crime, corruption, and conspiracy, the story revolves around a mysterious man named Agent Graves who approaches individuals wronged by the system, offering them a gun and a briefcase containing irrefutable evidence of who ruined their lives. With immunity from prosecution, they’re given the chance to exact revenge without consequences.
Filled with morally ambiguous characters, intricate plot twists, and intense noir atmosphere, “100 Bullets” is a gripping tale that explores themes of justice, vengeance, and the consequences of one’s actions.
As for rumors of a potential film or TV series adaptation, speculation has swirled around Hollywood for years. With its compelling narrative and dark, cinematic style, “100 Bullets” seems tailor-made for the screen. While there have been occasional whispers and discussions, nothing concrete has materialized yet. However, fans remain hopeful that someday they’ll see their favorite graphic novel brought to life in a thrilling visual medium.